6 Using Fiasco-UX to run L4 applications

Fiasco can be build to run as Linux user application - Fiasco-UX. The steps to build Fiasco-UX you may obtain from the Fiasco-UX homepage [5].

To simplify running application we provide a set of scripts that wrap the typical options of Fiasco-UX. Please check out l4/tool/runux. Change into that directory and edit the file hello.

#! /bin/bash

. ${0%/*}/generic.inc

fiasco \
	-l names                        \
	-l log                          \
	-l dm_phys                      \
	-l hiworld

This script will start Fiasco-UX with the basic servers required by the hello binary. These servers you have already seen in the Grub boot list. To start the hiserver/hiclient example simply replace the line containing hiworld with respective lines for hiserver and hiclient.

L4 Checker 2012-04-11